Government and industry are pushing consumers to join virtual power plants, but our energy system is full of roadblocks and…
Rosemary Grundy is on a mission to demonstrate that going renewable and electric is not only good for the climate,…
A leading UK tech company provides a platform that gives consumers incentives to help balance their use of green electricity…
Village Power are the latest community energy group to be knocked back for asset insurance for their community battery.
Devrim Celal from green energy retailer Octopus explains why the energy transition will not succeed unless the proper incentives are…
A two-year campaign led by the local community of the 2515 postcode has resulted in world-first pilot project.
A groundbreaking community pilot hopes to identify the opportunities and challenges as household electrification is scaled up across the whole…
ECA opposes making time-of-use tariffs mandatory and wants a minimum three-year transition period for households to move to cost-reflective pricing.
Energy Consumers Australia CEO Brendan French on why cost-reflective electricity tariffs should not be mandatory – and should not make…
Ausgrid says costs for community batteries are coming down with each new deployment – and they will be cost-effective without…