
Rooftop solar tariff set to jump by 40 pct in boost for regional households

In a move that bucks the trend, pricing regulator proposes boosting regional solar feed-in tariff from 9.3c/kWh to 12.9c/kWh, starting…

March 16, 2023

How consumers will hold the balance of power on a majority renewables grid

While we can’t control when the sun shines or the wind blows, we can control the consumption in homes to…

March 14, 2023

Solar feed-in tariffs cut again, despite “much higher” wholesale grid prices

Victoria cuts the minimum flat-rate solar feed-in tariff again, despite soaring power prices. But there are some upsides for the…

February 28, 2023

Rooftop solar feed-in tariff cuts keep coming, despite soaring power bills

Pressure is growing on solar households to maximise self-consumption of their rooftop PV as regulators chip away at the value…

December 21, 2022

How closely monitoring home energy data can be a major win for solar households

A long-term Arena project aims to answer a key question: how much data do network operators need to allow rooftop…

December 20, 2022

Sun Tax: How three network companies propose to charge for rooftop solar exports

Three NSW electricity networks are planning to introduce rooftop solar export tariffs from 2024. Here's how they're proposing to do…

December 15, 2022

Top tips to get through a summer of soaring power prices

With electricity prices forecast to continue their upwards march, here are some tips from the experts on how to stay…

November 4, 2022

Smart meters for everyone? Authorities say they are a must for green grid

Major review calls for 100% uptake of smart meters across Australia’s National Electricity Market by 2030. So why do we…

November 3, 2022

Fewer energy retailers and more complex deals prompt warning on consumer protection

The retail energy market is changing, fast. And as offers get more creative, bundling together a range of products and…

October 14, 2022

Smashing end to winter for solar as rooftop installs hit a new high

Australia's rooftop solar market has shaken off the winter blues and closed out the colder months with a new high…

September 6, 2022