Categories: Solar

New study finds Evacuated Tube solar hot water often pays for itself quicker than typical solar electricity systems

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Prior to 2010, the word ‘solar’ referred more to Solar Hot Water (SHW) than to PV. While solar power was a cottage industry, there were tens of thousands of SHW units being installed every year. At its peak in 2009, the Australian SHW sector installed 200,000 solar water heaters (including air-sourced heat pumps), compared to just over 50,000 PV systems. This all changed in 2010 as PV overtook SHW to be the dominant solar technology in Australia.

Over the same period that government subsidies for solar hot water were diminishing, PV enjoyed a substantial support from state and commonwealth governments. But now that subsidies for PV have been wound back, its worthwhile re-considering which technology produces the better financial outcome. SunWiz was contracted by Apricus to investigate the circumstances in which each technology is more favourable… and the results surprised us.
How the technologies compare
PV systems have the advantage of producing electricity, which can be used in any household appliance and excess generation can be exported to the grid. The disadvantage with PV is that electricity cannot be cheaply stored, and the electricity exported to the grid typically receives a feed-in tariff that is commonly less than one third the cost of grid-supplied electricity. By contrast, one of the significant advantages of SHW is that it comes with in-built energy storage. SHW also offsets what is typically a household’s largest area of energy consumption, hot water supply. While a household cannot “export” excess solar hot water, a suitably sized system will only “waste” a very small % of the total energy produced by the system.
When considering which technology produces the best financial outcome, the key factors to consider are price, energy generation and utilisation, the value of the energy generated, and the system lifetime.

  • Price: After STCs are accounted for, installed evacuated Tube SHW systems cost about $5000 compared to an entry-level 1.5kW PV system for around $3000, a 3kW system for around $5000, and a 5kW system for around $7500. Victorians receive an additional discount for SHW from VEECs, with a value of approximately $400-$800 depending upon the application.
  • Energy generation: A SHW system will save 40% more energy than a 1.5kW PV system. A 3kW PV system will commonly produce more energy than most SHW systems.
  • Energy utilisation: this varies widely from household to household. Referring to the graph below, the energy export from a 1.5kW PV typically system installed on households with typical energy consumption of 15-20kWh/day is about 22% for houses that are occupied during the daylight hours and 37% for houses that are unoccupied. Installing a 5kW system on a household with typical consumption levels would amount to oversizing: though it would produce 100% of typical household’s energy needs it would export 67-74% of its generation. (To assist the PV industry and its customers, SunWiz has created for free tool to calculate PV system exports: Australia’s most accurate calculator of exports). By contrast, Solar Hot Water’s in-built storage means that most of its energy production is utilised, though again this depends upon hot water consumption volumes, boosting settings, and has seasonal variation.

  • Value of energy generated: A PV system offsets 20-40c/kWh, depending on where you’re located. However, excess energy that is exported to the grid offsets only 6-8c/kWh. The value of energy savings from a SHW unit depends upon the fuel that is displaced: off-peak electricity at 10-17c/kWh or natural gas equivalent to 10-18c/kWh or LPG equivalent to 21-29c/kWh
  • Lifetime: a PV system should last 25 years, though it would probably need an inverter replacement over that timeframe. A SHW system should have more than 10 years’ lifetime.

To investigate the circumstances in which each technology is more favourable, SunWiz created a model comparing the financial outcome from an investment in PV to one in SHW. To account for the wide variances in householders’ individual circumstances, we modelled 9 different locations across the country, hot water boosting from both off-peak electricity and gas (natural gas in cities, LPG in rural areas), and two different electricity consumption profiles reflecting actual consumption from a household away in the daytime and one at home during daytime. We assumed optimal production from PV, whereas SHW energy yields were based upon STC calculations. Some of the factors we considered were:

  • Which is the best financial evaluation measure?
    • Payback doesn’t account for benefits accrued over differing product lifetimes, but is easily understood.
    • Bill reduction is hugely important for most purchasers – even if solar hot water were to provide quicker payback, it can only address the hot-water portion of your bill. By contrast PV can make a bigger dint in an energy bill.
    • Even the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) has complications. The IRR can be considered as a ‘comparison rate’ on a solar investment, but should it be calculated over the lifetime of the SHW system, the PV system, or the typical home ownership duration. In our case we calculated benefits over 10 years, though both technologies can have longer lifespan than this, particularly so for PV.
  • Whereas PV is a discretionary purchase and SHW can be a discretionary upgrade, SHW can be considered part of an essential service when an existing hot water unit has failed and needs replacing. In that case, the owner is faced with a choice between a conventional electric or gas storage tank (costing ~$1200) or upgrading to a solar hot water system. As such, a solar hot water system that replaces a failed boiler has a marginal cost that is $1200 lower than a discretionary retrofit solar hot water system, even if they both have the same ticket price.
  • The payback period of both technologies depends heavily on the utilisation of the received solar energy, which varies by daytime energy consumption profile and showering habits.

Energy consumption levels and daily consumption profile vary greatly from house to house. Even after concentrating only on typical consumption levels, there were so many combinations of location, consumption profile, system size, hot water boosting method that it is difficult to produce universally-applicable take-home messages. In part two of this article we will more closely examine individual outcomes. However, the following generalities apply across the board:

  • If you use gas boosting for your hot water, then solar hot water can often produce greater financial returns than PV, especially if your existing hot water service has reached the end of its life.
  • In some cases, a small (1.5kW) PV system has better financial return than a solar hot water system, but the increased amount of energy export from a large (5kW) PV system can mean its payback is worse than Solar Hot Water.
  • In Queensland and Victoria, if you have off-peak electric hot water, installing Solar Hot Water and a small PV system produces more savings than a large PV system, for about the same price. VEECs provide an additional discount to Victorians installing SHW systems.

What we also will see in part 2 is that there is good reason to install both technologies. In order to minimise energy bills in a financially-optimal way, a good approach can be to first install a SHW unit, then fill the remaining roof space with PV panels. Part 2 of this article will also examine how the results vary by location.
In part 1 of this article, we found that in most cases for a typical household, evacuated tube Solar Hot Water (SHW) has a quicker payback than PV. In part 2 we will more closely examine why this is the case. We’ll also see that combining both technologies can produce the best outcome for a household.
Use both SHW & PV for combined benefits
The most popular PV system size is now about 5kW, though 3kW systems are also popular. 1.5kW systems are no longer common. Consider that for about the same price as a 5kW system (~$7500), you could retrofit your hot water system and almost have enough change left over to buy a 1.5kW PV system. SunWiz’s analysis showed that evacuated tube SHW was often more financially favourable than PV, but in circumstances where heating hot water was cheap due to low-priced off-peak electricity or natural gas, a small PV system would have better financial outcome than a solar hot water system.
With this in mind, you may be best served by buying a SHW unit and filling up the rest of your roof (or your budget) with PV. In most cases, this would maximise the savings on your energy bill. To illustrate this point, the chart below compares the electricity savings from putting on a 5kW PV system to those of installing a 1.5kW system and converting your off-peak electric water heater to SHW. The chart illustrates that the savings are comparable.

One key caveat applies to all of this however; While SHW has in-built storage, if you’re not using much hot water, most of the solar energy will be wasted. It is therefore important to choose a suitably sized solar hot water unit to match your usage. Likewise, if you’re a frugal electricity consumer, you might expect high export levels from even 3kW of solar power. Individual circumstances are the key, and we encourage you to either use SunWiz’s free export calculator, or for tailored results PVsell allows you to tailor your advice to the homeowner and upload metered data or use a library of real load profiles.
Detailed results
As mentioned, the study covered a large combination of inputs to help indicate outcomes for the wide range of individual circumstances. Later in this article we will provide summary analysis by location, combined with a complex chart that allows individual circumstances to be examined. First, the results are best introduced by way of example. We’ll use Sydney as our example. Referring to the table below, columns show the system price, bill saving in year 1, payback, and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) over 10 years; rows show the outcomes for a selected retrofit or replacement SHW unit compared to a range of PV system sizes for households with a consumption profile away during the day, or home during the day.
From the table we can see for Sydney:

  1. The Apricus Evacuated Tube SHW payback ranges from 5.0 to 11.0 years depending on whether it is replacing an electric (peak) hot water system, a gas system or an electric (off-peak) hot water system (respectively).
  2. The PV payback ranges from 5.9 years to 8.2 years, whether householders are home during the day and install a small system or whether they are away during the day and install a large system (respectively)
  3. Apricus SHW systems have quicker payback in the following circumstances (compared to all PV options):
    1. Replacement of natural gas hot water system
    2. Retrofit of a natural hot water system, unless the householder is home weekdays and installs a PV system 2kW or smaller;

Extending these results to more locations, we encounter the complexity of displaying the myriad of combinations and permutations. For those of you who hate graphs and just want the easy summary, you can find it beneath. For those of you who love graphs, the chart below compares the 10-year IRR from a range of PV system sizes (lines representing different consumption patterns) with those of solar hot water (retrofit or replacing water heaters (large or small dots respectively) fuelled by electricity or gas (green or purple dots respectively). To interpret the graph, look for the combination that most closely represents your circumstances: first the location (horizontal panes), then investment timeframe (upper or lower pane), and then find the dot that matches your hot water situation (purple = gas, green=electricity; small dot = replacing a broken water heater, large dot = retrofitting solar to an existing hot water unit), and compare the IRR for SHW to the range of IRRs for different sized PV systems depending on your consumption profile (home during the days = blue line; away during daytime = orange line). Note that the Victorian results don’t incorporate VEECs, which provide an additional discount that improves the financial outcome for SHW.

Remembering individual circumstances may cause significant variation from the statements below, here are the take-home messages for typical households in each location:

  • NSW Metro: if your hot water is gas-boosted, in most cases SHW has quicker returns. If you’re water heater is electric boosted, then PV has quicker returns.
  • NSW Regional: if your hot water is gas-boosted, SHW has quicker returns. If you’re water heater is electric boosted, in most cases PV has quicker returns.
  • QLD Metro: SHW makes quicker returns than a PV unit in most circumstances, though in some circumstances you can get quickest returns from a small PV unit.
  • QLD Regional: If you’re using LPG to heat your water, then you’ll get quicker returns from a SHW unit than a PV system. If you’re using off-peak electricity, PV or SHW may pay for itself quicker, depending on your circumstances.
  • SA Metro: In most cases a PV unit will pay for itself quicker than a SHW unit. Consider SHW if you’re using gas boosted hot water, especially if your hot water tank is reaching the end of its life.
  • TAS Metro: If your hot water tank has reached the end of its life, SHW makes good sense in most circumstances. Otherwise PV pays for itself sooner.
  • VIC Metro: PV pays for itself quicker than SHW in most circumstances, but if your hot water tank has reached the end of its life then SHW combined with a small PV system is the optimal combination. VEECs may make retrofitting SHW to an existing tank has comparable economics to PV.
  • VIC Rural: If you’re using LPG to heat your water then SHW pays for itself sooner than PV. If you’re using off-peak electricity to heat your water, then combining SHW and a small PV system is the optimal combination when your water heater reaches the end of its life, particularly if the additional discount offered by VEECs is factored in.
  • WA Metro: If you’re using gas to heat your water, then SHW pays for itself quicker than PV if your water heater has reached the end of its life. Otherwise PV offers quicker payback, though best to combine a small PV system with SHW if you’re using gas-heated water.

This post was published on December 16, 2015 12:15 pm

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  • At some point I am likely to study this in great detail.
    For now though, a question or two.
    Looks like the home economics of
    hot water heat pump
    PV plus hot water heat pump
    were not also studied. Why not?
    Looks like the study funder Apricus does not sell hot water heat pumps. Why not?
    Has anyone gone through the renewable energy certificate registry lately to see which is selling better - evacuated tube solar thermal hot water or hot water heat pump? Can one even distinguish in that database the sales of evacuated tube solar thermal vs the lower cost/lower efficiency flat panel solar thermal units (that the Vic gov seems more or less indirectly dictate for the new houses i see being built)?
    Some studies (or at least the BZE Builidings Plan) found (better and best quality) heat pump hot water to be a better economic option than solar thermal hot water, because a "quality" heat pump will work even on a dark cold winter days and nights whereas rooftop solar thermal hot water will need boosting.
    I have noticed that a leading hot water heat pump supplier has even started advertising in local Leader newspapers. And I have noticed in the REC registry where some post codes seem to be installing hot water heat pumps at a great rate of knots. Enlightened new suburb developments perhaps?
    An article on solar PV matched with hot water heat pump is here...
    ... but perhaps more updated analysis needed on the interesting subject of hot-water-home-economics!

  • Oh I probably should have added to my comment a minute ago that of course hot water heat pumps use renewable energy (the sun's heat) to heat water. A lot of Australians I talk to do not realise this.
    Although the term "heat pump" and the way that it "steals" free renewable ambient heat from the air outside your house (which of course is heated by the sun every day or else we are all in trouble) seems to be understood in Japan and Europe and North America and in New Zealand and in Tasmania. But in the rest of Australia, not so much. Yet.
    For the best hot water heat pumps the equation is it is 1 PART electricity (which could be your own PV-generated, or purchased 100% green power, or just normal grid power) plus 3.5 PARTS of free renewable ambient heat gives you 4.5 PARTS of hot water.
    See our University of Melbourne Energy Institute report that covers this here:–-examination-declining-gas-demand-eastern-australia
    and here:
    This is of course why hot water heat pumps receive renewable energy certificates in Australia.
    A case can even be made that reverse cycle air conditioners (which are of course also heat pumps that just happen to heat the air in your house instead of water), when used for winter heating, should receive some sort of renewable energy recognition in Australia, similar to the Renewable Heat Incentive in the UK.

  • Sorry, but the reason you find these results surprising is that they're mainly wrong.
    First let me say that I LOVE evacuated tube hot water systems, have had one for seven years, and often go up on the roof on the hottest sunny days just to lay my hand on the tubes and note that they're perfectly cool on the outside. Near enough to 100% of the energy striking the tubes is captured--wonderful. This technology works great and there's so much to admire about it. As sad as I am to say it, though, they're economically obsolete for most purposes.
    Thermal solar hot water system prices have barely changed over the past several years, while the cost of PV electricity systems has dropped dramatically and keeps on falling. The cost of getting insulated copper plumbing to your roof will always be higher than the cost of getting copper wires up there.
    It's already cheaper to install a bigger PV system and allocate some of the electricity produced to hot water. For this purpose, a heat-exchange water heater makes the most sense (as noted in another comment) but even a dumb-ass resistance water heater can be used as a transition step.
    As to storage, anyone installing a new PV system can reject the insultingly low Feed-In Tariffs for excess production by diverting any electricity production greater than the immediate household load to the water heater.
    As noted in the article, with electricity you can do anything. On hot summer days you don't need to produce much hot water, and most of the energy captured by a thermal HW system is wasted. The electricity produced by your PVs, on the other hand, is available to run your air conditioner and your fridge--appliances likely to run more when there's plenty of bright sunlight.
    Even more flexibility is coming down the track. For example, soon you might also have a tank of COLD water as a heat sink for your air conditioners. You might want to use excess electricity production to chill that water. Soon enough you'll store electricity directly in batteries, and you might use a control system to prioritise among battery charging, hot water production, and cold water production.
    For anyone starting from scratch, it makes sense to install the biggest PV system you can fit on your roof. Just one of the many things you'll do with that lovely electricity is produce hot water; otherwise you'll enjoy maximum flexibility in the use of your electricity now and in the future.
    Single-purpose thermal hot water systems, even the wonderful evacuated tubes, are heading for obsolescence. If you already have such a system, it will work for a long time and that's great. But it's unlikely to make sense to buy a new one.

    • Yes Stan, you are right. This comparison was fought out some years ago on a site called Green Building Advisor in the U.S. The title is "Solar thermal is really, really dead" by Martin Holladay. A long commentarial see-saw went on. But it appears PV has won the day. In this article there is the peculiar idea that solar hot water has storage and PV does not. What? The electric storage tank vs the expensive solar hot water tank is a no brainer. Again electricity can be used for everything, hot water for only one thing. etc etc. Game, set, match to PV vs Thermal.

      • Well - this article actually bears out the experience we've had at home with a combination of a simple copper plate SHWS and 1.5kW PV system. We bought the SHWS during the govt. rebates in 2009 (rather than getting pink batts as our house was already well insulated) and then put on the photovoltaic system in 2010. With such a small PV array everyone told us that it would be a waste of time, but between the two we get virtually no electricity bill for 6 months of the year, and the other 6 months it's really low in a 4 person household. We don't skimp on the AC either...
        Works fine for us.

  • I doubt some of the findings in the report. Especially the claim that gas boosted hot water systems are more economical than electricity boosted systems makes no sense to me. I need to see the full report and the model calculations before I can accept that.
    Gas boosted systems cost about $1000 more to install. At least in NSW electricity boosted hot water system can use the ultra cheap night tariff (some 11 cent per kWh or even better use excess energy from a solar PV system. Gas on the other hand is getting ever more expensive. I cannot see how the extra $1000 for gas boosting could be recovered during the life time of the system.

  • Three years after I had purchased my Hills Industries evacuated tube unit, the pump failed. It cost me $450 to replace. One year later, I fear that the pump, or something else in the unit, has failed again. The fellow who came to fix it told me that the valve was not built for sub-tropical temperatures! He told me that many people had given up after repeated failures & have elected to run their units on mains electricity alone. Evacuated Tube is a marvelous idea, but a good idea is no guarantee of quality of manufacture. My brother bought an Apricus unit & is delighted with it. I would like to think that Apricus has rectified Hills' products faults.

    • What would they say when their Heat Pump compressor fails and have to fork out $1,300 to get it running again. Plus having to wait days or weeks for the new unit without any hot water. At least with E.T SHW the boost will get them out of trouble.
      Secondly, a lot of households use 20kwh/day without contributing anything to heat water. So would need bigger than a 5kw PV system to heat water storage or Heat Pump. E.T SHW doesn't take up much roof space.

      • BZE Buildings Plan p173 shows graphs of annual energy for solar HWS compared with heat pump, which wins everywhere except Darwin. HWS will deliver less than you need in winter and more in summer(wasted). PV larger for winter might deliver excess in summer but electricity can be used for lotsastuff but not hot water. We all need to get out the and cranky to enable VNM(Virtual Net Metering) to be able to negotiate sensible feed in tariff. It's so stupid that so many new house builds still include HWS.

        • Bernie, BZE I'm sorry to say in this instance are full of it. I have also seen this comparison and it is total BS.They did not state the type of SHW system they used in what could loosely be called a study. To my reckoning they compared well known performance data of Flat plate SHW with a Sanden H/Pump, not an E/Tube SHW system. On BZE's authors admission they did not do a study by way of comparing, physically in the real world the two together over 12 mths, but did their modelling from STC's of the two which is cheap and misleading. Added to that, their study wasn't confirmed by anyone else and so was not peer reviewed. Plus these people have been recommending that brand of H/P for years for commercial reasons. Not what I call a scientific method.
          I have been in the solar business for nearly 9yrs now and I can tell you that a properly sized E/Tube SHW system, to it's max load will only need to be boosted between 10 or 30 days of the year, depending on the years weather. Using only about 3.6-5kwh per boost at a time.
          A Sanden will use a similar amount but each and every day, except winter when it will use more because the COP of a heat pump reduces quite significantly. The colder the ambient temp the worse it gets. So H/Pump 1095- 1600kwh/year v's E/tube Solar 150kwh/yr. Just to heat to 60 c. Solar tops out at 80c. These are the facts. Just the truth.
          Running a H/P off PV will work well some days and not others and you will need a lot of room on the roof. Where E/T solar doesn't take up much space and will work well under low irradiance.
          Lastly I would put up a E/T system to be studied independently along side a H/P as long as the modelling was a fair comparison .
          I bet BZE wouldn't agree to that contest.

          • hi solargy, the type of system used in the BZE analysis was indeed an evacuated-tube system which you can see depicted in Figure 5.6. The complete data and model is available for download at Appendix 6 (
            I agree that a good ET system, when you give it enough collector area, can get you through most of the year in many climate zones. However the question is, is this the best use of your roof area and of your money? ET collectors are much more expensive than PV and the energy they collect is useful for only one thing. The more you oversize your collector the more un-usable heat you generate in summer. That's solar energy going to waste. Much better in most climate zones to just put on PV I think.

          • Hello Richard, I looked for appendix 6 but unfortunately the web page can't be found, um!
            Perhaps you could make it available here for all to see?
            On the issue of collector area E/T SHW 4.74sqm v's PV 1kwP 6.6sqm is required and a 1kwp array won't produce 1kwp, better to allow for 1.5kwp which further increases area needed.
            In times of low solar, PV won't do the business where E/T can, this means more power needed from the grid, depending on other loads if a H/P is used.
            So it's clear in respect to area E/T SHW is a better use of roof space irrespective of ambient temperature. If you have a 315 lt tank of 80c water, you have a greater quantity of hot water, than if you had the same at 60c which is the H/P limit!

  • The BZE Buildings Plan looked into this. We came to the conclusion that
    the best combination for most of Australia was PV plus efficient
    electric hot water (preferably heat pumps). Our analysis suggested that
    even in a relatively unfavourable climate like Melbourne, that the
    energy needs for hot water in the worst-case month can be offset by an
    extra 1kW of PV on your roof. The exception for us was in the tropical
    north where annual SHW boost energy requirements are close to zero, so a
    cheap close-coupled SHW system makes sense.
    It's becoming
    increasingly reasonable to assume that efficient homes are going to have
    PV. So the question becomes, do you have SHW as well? I think the
    answer is that, for most Aussie homes, it's probably easier to upsize
    your PV at install time, than it is to separately add SHW.

  • Nice Try by Apricus to talk up their business with a long winded spiel, the game has changed, Its simpler and cheaper to dump excess PV into reliable element storage tank. As they say its a no brainer! Anyone putting solar on your roof get rid of your old water heat exchange panels or tubes and fill your roof up with PV..

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