battery storage

ZEN Energy targets "strong" battery demand with new residential products

ZEN Energy says it hopes to meet "strong demand" for home battery storage with two new smaller, cheaper systems.

September 2, 2016

Why battery storage doesn't pay without rooftop solar

“Arbritrage” sounds like a brilliant idea, but is it really worthwhile charging a battery from the grid at off-grid prices?

August 31, 2016

How to sell battery storage to early adopters

There’s plenty of early adopters out there who will buy battery storage regardless of the return on investment, because early…

August 24, 2016

Solar, storage and remote controlled air-con: How communities can fix the grid

For the first time, a traditional network company is leveraging non-network solutions to fix an age-old grid problem that used…

August 24, 2016

The world's largest virtual power plant: What's in it for consumers?

Sunverge, the US-based energy management company supplying the "brains" for AGL's 5MW virtual power plant, explains how the project will…

August 10, 2016

Living off-grid in Australia's tropical north: Tips from a long-term Daintree resident

A well designed off-grid solar and battery storage system can supply most households' needs easily, even in Australia's tropical north.…

August 9, 2016

WA solar installer teams with EV company to offer "complete package"

Infinite Energy says partnership with JET Charge will "complete the picture" for customers, adding EV charging to solar, battery storage…

August 4, 2016

Household battery storage costs: So near and yet so far

Our cost of energy charts for battery storage suggest Tesla is now in the middle of the pack, Enphase looks…

August 3, 2016

Have we massively underestimated the battery storage market?

Newly released survey data suggests we may have dramatically underestimated the take up of battery storage in Australia.

August 3, 2016

Electricity consumers are switching off – and here's why

Major Australian survey paints a picture of an electricity market where consumers are not seeing value from their service providers,…

August 3, 2016