Citizen Power

How equity crowd-funding could transform the community energy sector

How equity crowd-funding reform – if done appropriately could open the floodgates to the community energy sector.

December 2, 2015

Is this the world’s smartest energy services company?

Kraftwerke provide commercial energy customers with the opportunity to buy and sell their electricity, allowing them to benefit from the…

November 4, 2015

A German energy crowd-funding start-up that aims to make community energy easy aims to make community energy easy. But recent government changes to the feed-in-tariff have made it a difficult market.

October 29, 2015

BürgerWerke – retailer linking citizen owned renewable projects with consumers

BürgerWerke is an innovative energy retailer start-up aiming to ‘close-the-loop’ on citizen energy in Germany. Chris Cooper pays them a…

October 28, 2015