
Why battery storage doesn't pay without rooftop solar

“Arbritrage” sounds like a brilliant idea, but is it really worthwhile charging a battery from the grid at off-grid prices?

August 31, 2016

How to sell battery storage to early adopters

There’s plenty of early adopters out there who will buy battery storage regardless of the return on investment, because early…

August 24, 2016

Tesla explains why EVs selling electricity to grid not as good as it sounds

Tesla says it doesn’t make economic sense for EVs to send electricity back to the grid, but concedes that “dynamic…

August 24, 2016

How residential demand tariffs could add $1000s to your bill

As residential demand tariffs are rolled out around Australia, we take a look at what they are, how they works,…

August 17, 2016

Bitcoin-inspired peer-to-peer solar trading trial kicks off in Perth

Perth start-up to begin trials of blockchain technology that, if successful, could kick off peer-to-peer solar trading in Australia.

August 16, 2016

7 things NSW solar customers should consider as premium tariffs end

The good news is solar owners can still continue to get fantastic returns from their solar systems, the less good…

July 11, 2016

Another NZ energy upstart takes aim at Australian retail market

NZ energy retail start-up Flick Electric says Australia an ideal market for its digital platform that strips electricity pricing bare…

July 6, 2016

Melbourne electricity retailer launches fixed-price, 'all you can eat' offer

Melbourne electricity retailer Sumo Power says aims to combat "bill shock" with launch of fixed price offer for unlimited electricity…

May 10, 2016

Why US electric co-ops are opting for community-scale solar

America's 900-plus rural electric cooperatives are spreading the word on how community-scale solar can save money, support communities, and diversify…

April 6, 2016

Greens leader Greg Barber goes solar + Tesla storage to sidestep perverse energy markets

The home of the Victorian Greens leader has become the first in the state to install a Tesla Powerwall battery,…

March 2, 2016