
Wind turbine parts arrive at “Australia’s largest” off-grid hybrid renewables power systemWind turbine parts arrive at “Australia’s largest” off-grid hybrid renewables power system

Wind turbine parts arrive at “Australia’s largest” off-grid hybrid renewables power system

First milestones marked in the delivery of a massive wind, solar and battery-based microgrid that will slash the fossil fuel…

August 14, 2024
Network sizes up three country towns for “stand alone” microgrids to boost resilienceNetwork sizes up three country towns for “stand alone” microgrids to boost resilience

Network sizes up three country towns for “stand alone” microgrids to boost resilience

Three regional towns are being considered for battery backed stand-alone microgrids that would "island" the communities in the event of…

March 19, 2024
“Power to the people:” Traditional owners’ clean energy plea gains climate urgency“Power to the people:” Traditional owners’ clean energy plea gains climate urgency

“Power to the people:” Traditional owners’ clean energy plea gains climate urgency

Indigenous people are presenting their case for inclusion in clean energy projects, like traditional owners from the flood-ravaged community of…

February 19, 2024
“First-of-a-kind” solar and battery microgrid to power coal-country town through grid outages“First-of-a-kind” solar and battery microgrid to power coal-country town through grid outages

“First-of-a-kind” solar and battery microgrid to power coal-country town through grid outages

Ausgrid starts work on solar and battery microgrid to ensure power supply to key business and community services in Upper…

February 5, 2024
Beach towns get state’s first microgrid to deal with blackout, tourist threatBeach towns get state’s first microgrid to deal with blackout, tourist threat

Beach towns get state’s first microgrid to deal with blackout, tourist threat

Endeavour Energy launches its first renewable microgrid, a system it hopes will protect the townships from bushfires - and tourist-induced…

December 11, 2023
Solar and batteries installed for “first-of-a-kind” disaster-proof microgridSolar and batteries installed for “first-of-a-kind” disaster-proof microgrid

Solar and batteries installed for “first-of-a-kind” disaster-proof microgrid

Network company completes first phase of "first-of-a-kind" community microgrid designed to power two coastal communities during grid outages.

August 1, 2023
Microgrid “living laboratory” to demonstrate resilient, renewable power systems of the futureMicrogrid “living laboratory” to demonstrate resilient, renewable power systems of the future

Microgrid “living laboratory” to demonstrate resilient, renewable power systems of the future

A flagship mixed-use, precinct-based solar and battery power system will highlight the benefits and challenges of deploying microgrids on the…

June 29, 2023
Ikea launches “largest” urban commercial solar and battery microgridIkea launches “largest” urban commercial solar and battery microgrid

Ikea launches “largest” urban commercial solar and battery microgrid

More than 3,000 solar panels and a 3MW/3.45MWh battery make up this urban, commercial microgrid launched this week from an…

May 25, 2023
Residential microgrids are booming – and utilities are getting in on the actionResidential microgrids are booming – and utilities are getting in on the action

Residential microgrids are booming – and utilities are getting in on the action

New data from Wood Mackenzie reveals residential microgrids as the new growth engine for the sector and finds utilities getting…

May 19, 2023
How to ditch diesel in the wilderness: Microgrid blends solar with stunning landscapeHow to ditch diesel in the wilderness: Microgrid blends solar with stunning landscape

How to ditch diesel in the wilderness: Microgrid blends solar with stunning landscape

A microgrid with every element carefully matched to its circumstances, including the rooftop PV mounting system, starts powering an off-grid…

March 28, 2023