
Mirvac pledges to go all-electric, all renewable powered by 2030

ASX-listed property group becomes latest Australian company to join global RE100 initiative, with plan to transition to all-electric buildings powered…

December 6, 2019

Mirvac hits go on solar and battery as “standard” in new townhouses

Mirvac says owners of its solar and storage "as standard" townhouses may never pay another electricity bill again, as the…

November 6, 2019

Mirvac edges towards all-electric solar homes in ARENA-backed trial

ARENA backs Mirvac housing project in Melbourne to demonstrate the feasibility of building solar and battery powered “net zero energy”…

October 25, 2019

Mirvac taps Melbourne shared solar tech for new apartment complex

ASX-listed property developer inks deal with Allume Energy to use its solar sharing technology at new apartment complex – and…

May 28, 2019

Greener, cheaper living for tenants: CEFC backs "build-to-rent" property fund

CEFC becomes cornerstone investor in Australia's first build-to-rent property fund – a $1bn effort being led and managed by Mirvac.…

August 1, 2018

CEFC backs push for solar and storage in all new-build homes

CEFC commits $90m debt finance to Mirvac plan to build more than 300 family homes, each with built-in solar and…

March 15, 2018