AEMC paves way for stand alone systems to replace poles and wires

Landmark ruling means networks can now take thousands of consumers off grid with solar and battery stand alone systems, delivering…

May 30, 2019

Why the network push to limit rooftop solar exports should be resisted

The push by the network lobby to limit exports from rooftop solar is more about defending their investment in gas…

March 21, 2019

What do consumers get out of the Finkel blueprint?

Hailed as the 'last, best hope' for energy customers, the Finkel review's clean energy target looks more like as a…

June 14, 2017

The energy revolution is here – but are consumers invited?

Early adopters of rooftop solar, and now battery storage, have got Australia's energy revolution well underway. But what's in it…

May 10, 2017