
How our Tesla Powerwall 2 battery provided power in the NSW bushfires

For this household lucky enough to be still standing after the NSW south coast bushfires, having rooftop solar and a…

February 3, 2020

Family that installed Australia’s first Tesla Powerwall pays just 46 cents a day for power

Four years after the Pfitzner family installed Australia's first Tesla Powerwall battery, the family reveals they pay just 46 cents…

January 30, 2020

How a renewable microgrid saved lives in the California wild-fires

A 1.8MW solar and battery microgrid has saved the tribal community of Humboldt County $195,000 in electricity costs. But when…

November 14, 2019

Tesla slashes price of Powerwall 2 battery by $2,000 for VPP customers

Tesla unveils deal for South Australian customers that cuts around $2,000 off price of Powerwall 2 home battery – but…

September 6, 2019

Battery powered home and car: The fossil fuel era is fading

NSW hinterland luxury rental home with 10kW solar, two Tesla Powerwall batteries, and a Model X EV, seeks to demonstrate…

February 14, 2019

Battery price war sees Tesla Powerwall 2 beaten even before first deliveries

Battery storage prices are trending downward as newcomers to the Australian market follow the Tesla Powerwall 2 to lower and…

March 1, 2017

Melbourne's first Tesla Powerwall home battery system – one year on

Nearly one year ago, Greens MP Greg Barber installed 5kW of solar alongside Melbourne's first 6.4kWh Tesla Powerwall home battery.…

February 15, 2017

Australian battery price war resumes, with Powerwall 2 delivery just 'weeks away'

With the first shipment of Tesla's Powerwall 2 battery systems set to hit Australian shores, prices of home energy storage…

January 31, 2017

Tesla Powerwall 2 battery storage opens for orders in Australia

Tesla's 14kWh Powerwall 2 batteries open for order in Australia, with installations set to begin in Feb 2017 – just…

November 23, 2016

Powerwall 2: Tesla doubles up on battery storage and slashes costs

At double the capacity and almost half the cost/kWh, Tesla's Powerwall 2 illustrates the break-neck speed at which battery storage…

October 31, 2016