solar plus storage

Powerwall 2: Tesla doubles up on battery storage and slashes costs

At double the capacity and almost half the cost/kWh, Tesla's Powerwall 2 illustrates the break-neck speed at which battery storage…

October 31, 2016

How low do battery prices need to go?

Early adopters are already getting their batteries installed around the country, and it’s only a matter of time before more…

October 26, 2016

Blackout sparks demand boost as consumers seek reliability in solar and battery storage

In some political and media circles, South Australia's recent power woes have been cause to question the reliability of distributed…

October 19, 2016

Solar + battery storage keep Melbourne home powered, babies in milk

Melbourne mother of a newborn baby, whose solar and storage system kept her powered across a two-day outage, used Facebook…

October 18, 2016

Senior Google executive installs first Redflow ZCell at off-grid property

The first customer installation of Redflow's residential battery storage offering – the ZCell – has been completed at an off-grid…

October 18, 2016

Renewables a reality, as The Block taps solar and storage

Renewable energy is having its 5 minutes of fame with the installation of solar and battery storage at the latest…

September 14, 2016

Solar and salt water battery storage used to create "nanogrid" of future

An innovative AC/DC nanogrid using solar and salt-water battery storage by Aquion has been completed in the US.

September 13, 2016

Community solar with a view: Why sharing may be future of energy

NSW property development offers a tree change, and a share in an energy utility: a purpose-built, community-owned embedded network through…

September 7, 2016

ZEN Energy targets "strong" battery demand with new residential products

ZEN Energy says it hopes to meet "strong demand" for home battery storage with two new smaller, cheaper systems.

September 2, 2016

CSIRO-made smart solar and storage system launched by Evergen

A solar and storage energy management system developed by CSIRO and backed by AMP Capital has been launched in Australia.

August 25, 2016