Major new report says Australian households could slash their bills by up to $3.2 billion by 2035 with the accelerated…
NSW IPART cuts benchmark solar feed-in-tariff by around 25 per cent, citing a fall in wholesale electricity prices driven by…
In Australia, regulators are giving a very clear signal to the market: the grid is not your battery, so please…
For a fair, efficient, low-cost pathway to 100% renewables, we need to put front-of-meter renewables on a level footing with…
Should battery storage be discharged during peak only, and is it worth discharging during off-peak periods in order to maximise…
In response to "bill shock," energy retailers are starting to offer fixed-price packages for electricity, regardless of how much the…
Fixed charges to households surge, and may cost small business two-thirds of bill, as government-owned utilities move against solar, efficiency.