virtual power plant

Groundbreaking trial shows how VPPs can pay for home batteries, slash costs on the grid

Two-year trial underscores "huge potential" for virtual power plants to solve some of the grid's thorniest problems, as long as…

June 21, 2024

Battery storage sales surge as households seek payback against the grid

Australians are increasingly keen on batteries, but the reasons why signal an ever-widening gap between consumers and industry.

April 9, 2024

What is a virtual power plant? An energy expert explains

As power companies seek new ways to balance supply and demand, one option they’re turning to is virtual power plants.…

October 18, 2023

Another 18 government schools go solar, join smart energy pilot

The solar schools, which will be part of a statewide VPP pilot, are expected to see a reduction in electricity…

March 10, 2023

VPP specialist raises funds to install 600MWh of rooftop solar and battery storage

Swell Energy has raised $US120 million to roll out 600MWh of rooftop solar based virtual power plants, including 26,000 home…

November 24, 2022

Solar and battery virtual power plant trial launches in Alice Springs

Northern Territory launches virtual power plant (VPP) trial in Alice Springs involving 50 participants with solar and battery storage systems.

October 10, 2022

AGL partners with Plenti to offer generous home battery subsidy

The new subsidy, offered as part of a financing deal through Plenti, aims to drive battery uptake and participation in…

June 2, 2022

School-based solar and battery virtual power plant pilot kicks off in NSW

Sixty public schools in New South Wales will host Australia’s largest school-based trial of solar, battery storage, and VPP technology. 

May 19, 2022

Tesla expands virtual power plant to NSW, Queensland and ACT

Tesla is expanding the country’s largest virtual power plant to New South Wales, south-east Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory,…

April 27, 2022

“Energy in abundance:” Q Cells launches solar and battery-based retail electricity offer

Q Cells launches retail energy plan for its home battery customers through a new entity called Arcstream, including option to…

March 30, 2022