off-grid homes

Living off-grid in Australia's tropical north: Tips from a long-term Daintree resident

A well designed off-grid solar and battery storage system can supply most households' needs easily, even in Australia's tropical north.…

August 9, 2016

'Poster girl' for alternative lifestyle shares her off-grid story

Columnist and cartoonist Jill Redwood had to start over after the Ash Wednesday bush fires in 1983. She explains how…

September 6, 2015

Preparing a private home and rental property for energy storage revolution

Leigh Adamson recently bought the house next door to create a rare half acre block in suburbia. He now has…

September 1, 2015

Despite the Tesla hype, going off grid is not that simple

The Tesla PowerWall announcement stimulated an exciting debate about how low cost batteries could create widespread defection from the electricity…

August 5, 2015

The off grid experience – and how it's changed since 1992

This family quit the rat race more than two decades ago. They have used solar PV, a wind turbine, small…

August 4, 2015

Snow and solar at 1280m – does it really work?

How effective is a standalone solar system in areas that experience snowfall? We asked Ed and Laurie, off-gridding Americans who…

July 28, 2015

ABC news legend dumps diesel as he turns to solar + storage

Former ABC presenter started off with diesel only in his off-grid home, but recently added solar and storage. And learned…

July 28, 2015

Richard Di Natale – the party leader living off the grid

Greens leader Richard Di Natale chose to go off-grid 10 years ago, largely because of the huge costs of connecting…

July 17, 2015

Off-grid in the Hawkesbury, with tracking solar and batteries

It’s satisfying to turn on a light or power tool and know the energy was generated only a few metres…

July 8, 2015

Bakken Hale: Largest solar-battery off-grid home in the world

91-year-old medical entrepreneur installs largest solar and battery storage array for an off-grid home. Hawaii and Australia seen as biggest…

June 4, 2015