Senior CSIRO scientist Michael Ambrose recently completed Australia’s most comprehensive study on the ‘leakiness’ of recently built homes. Here's what he found.
Brendan Lang is an electrician from Melbourne who swapped his diesel guzzling tradie ute for a Tesla. He calls his business Get off Gas and this week he provides answers to household electrification questions.
Genie Energy founder on why local energy hubs are so important for regional communities – and where renewables developers are going wrong.
5B's chief strategy officer Nicole Kuepper-Russell on the company's journey from concept scribbled on a napkin, to one of Australia's biggest solar manufacturing success stories.
Zero Emissions Noosa is the only non-industry group in Queensland to receive a federal grant for a community battery. Co-convenor Vivien Griffin discusses why they are so important.
Energy experts argue we should shift our hot water heating to the middle of the day when there is abundant solar. It will cut emissions, and could save billions of dollars.
Nic Stone on the innovative off-grid projects using PowerPlus Energy's Australian made – and made for Australia – batteries, including tons of renewable powered dongas.
Increasing amounts of technology means Australian schools are consuming energy at an ever-increasing rate. Rob Bruer, the co-founder and CEO of Solar Schools, outlines a case for installing solar and batteries in every school.
Deputy Chair of Zero Emissions Noosa, Mark Purcell, is on a mission to get 50,000 households to electrify and install batteries.
Smart Energy Council's Darren Johannesen on some fascinating revelations about end-of-life solar panels and where their value lies
Electrifying and decarbonising our homes can be a minefield, and many people end up thinking, why bother. A new website is now trying to take some of the pain out of the process.
Energy Efficiency Council's Jeremy Sung discusses energy standards for lighting and heat pumps and the federal government's Consumer Energy Resources Roadmap.
Amid the big push to orchestrate consumer energy resources, we talk to Andrew Blaver about the successes and dud notes of Western Australia's Project Symphony.
CEFC's Grace Tam on how green finance can turbo charge household electrification – and why access to service providers and information is just as important.
Huon Hoogesteger from Smart Commercial Solar talks about almost everything but solar, as batteries and other bespoke energy solutions step into the light. Plus, Renewables in Agriculture.
Practical tips on electrification from an electrician.