Victorian households waiting to install half-price solar might have to wait another few weeks, after the July quota of the state government's rooftop rebate was filled within days.
Japan takes leap ahead of rest of the world, with help from California's Autogrid, to develop what’s described as the largest behind-the-meter virtual power plant.
Australia is still building four in every five new houses to no more than the minimum energy standard – and that's well short of optimal for environmental, economic and social outcomes.
A review of Horizon Power's solar hosting capacity and changes to connection rules to give consumers on some of Western Australia's regional microgrids long-awaited access to rooftop PV.
The latest Draft Standard for residential battery installations is shaping up to have the same impact as the scrapped “battery bunker” rule – making it nearly impossible to install current battery brands in, or on, homes.
Details revealed for next phase of Victorian Solar Homes scheme, including 1000 battery storage rebates in limited parts of the state, and 3,333 new rooftop PV rebates each month.
Widespread relief after rushed Queensland government solar rule change, that had thrown the commercial rooftop industry into chaos, ruled invalid by the Supreme Court. Government has promised to appeal the decision.
Landmark ruling means networks can now take thousands of consumers off grid with solar and battery stand alone systems, delivering huge savings for all.
New ACT government program will provide limited number of rebates of up to $5,000 to small businesses and community organisations to install rooftop solar.
Less “solar-coaster,” more consumer protection, assures new CEO for Solar Victoria – the body tasked with overseeing state government’s rooftop solar and battery storage subsidy schemes.
Two charts from solar analysts SunWiz show Australia's infamous "solar coaster" in full effect in Victoria, as residential installs languish waiting for the state's Solar Homes rebate to resume.
W.A. government to install up to 4MW of solar across 6 remote indigenous communities, in $11.6m budget plan to slash use of heavy-polluting – heavily subsidised – diesel fuel.
Confusion and frustration in the Sunshine state as the government seeks to justify new rules that will add costs to solar farms and make some installations impossible.
South Australian project will incorporate solar and battery systems into dedicated housing for participants of the NDIS.
Despite "April dip", total solar installs still tracking 45% ahead of 2018, year to date. But speed-humps could be looming, with policy hiccups in Victoria, Queensland.
CEC says Queensland government's looming large-scale solar installation rule change contradicts itself – making it both confusing and potentially industry-crippling.