Participants in the Victorian Energy Upgrades scheme are now banned from unsolicited telemarketing, and face a ban on door-knocking from August 01.
State government-backed rebate designed to install bulk residential rooftop PV and electric hot water has attracted bids for almost four times the funding on offer.
People who live in apartments are less likely to benefit from solar power or efficient electric appliances and they need targeted help, a conference has heard.
A leading Australian energy retailer urges its tens of thousands of residential gas customers to go electric, in a deal that offers to wipe the network disconnection cost.
Inspections and audits of newly installed heat pump hot water systems are expected to ramp up across Victoria to ensure standards are being met.
Cool roofs have many benefits, including to boost aircon efficiency and make solar work more efficiently. So why is this being ignored in Australia's major cities?
Choosing the right appliance can shrink your power bill and make a dent in a business or household's carbon footprint, according to federal government data.
New research offers a solution to unleash the promised benefits of smart meters at least cost.
AEMC says a draft determination on rules governing 100% smart meter uptake will be published within weeks following a decision to fast-track the process.
"Heat pump hot water systems have never been more popular." With applications coming in at a rate of 700 a week, 8,000 more rebates have been added to meet demand.
The Clean Energy Council suggests a $6500 incentive for households to encourage home battery take up.
AEMC draft rule change proposes to allow "flexible trading," where customers can hand pick different products and services for their CER. But does it hit the mark?
Equinix will use the solar array to help offset the enormous grid energy draw required by data centres.
New research finds emissions from household water use are on a par with aviation – and the big cuts and savings they can make are being neglected.
Australia needs to recruit more female electricians, deploy more home solar batteries and connect electric cars to the grid, a Senate inquiry has heard.
After losing power in last week's storm, the gas stovetop was the only household appliance that didn’t make a triumphant return. And it's been a revelation.