QCA report shows more retailers competing to buy rooftop solar exports in south-east Queensland, pushing the average residential FiT price up by 50% in just 12 months.
NT government set to review solar feed-in tariff, as grid reforms kick off
Northern Territory electricity and solar feed-in tariffs set for review, in bid to boost uptake of rooftop solar, battery storage, and other energy efficient technologies.
"Daylight robbery" – NSW solar feed-in tariff slashed by 44%
Solar and green groups slam IPART decision to cut NSW solar feed-in tariff, compare it to “getting a pay cut for working overtime.”
IPART takes hard line on solar as it slashes feed-in tariff
IPART confirms plans to effectively penalise NSW solar households for the lower electricity prices their rooftop PV has helped to deliver, by cutting the recommended feed-in tariff in half for 2018/19.
Short-term thinking on energy and water is costing NSW consumers billions
IPART’s pricing and regulatory decisions can make significant impacts on water and energy costs – potentially relieving billions in the future. Blind faith that the past represents the future will do the opposite.
NSW solar tariff cut – reward for slashing power price peaks
NSW pricing regulator flags a cut to state’s solar feed-in tariff, linked to fall in wholesale power prices rooftop solar helped deliver.
Victoria regulator finalises new time-varying tariffs for solar exports
Victoria regulator finalises decision on Australia’s first time-varying feed-in tariffs for solar, although acknowledges risks some users could abuse system by charging batteries at night.
Community retailer Enova lifts solar tariff to 16c/kWh
NSW community-owned power retailer offers solar feed-in tariff of 16c/kWh – a 33% increase on its former FiT, and higher than most competing offers.
Battery storage and electricity bills in a post-FiT world
What will happen when my feed in tariff ends? We did the numbers to see how battery storage could help our solar system minimise our bills.
Victoria solar feed-in tariff to be slashed to 5c/kWh in 2016
Essential Services Commission confirms plan to cut Victoria solar FiT to 5c/kWh, one week after state govt promised to fight for rooftop solar rights.