Clear evidence of the harm resulting from living in hot homes points to the need to efficient, electric cooling mandatory in rental housing.
Four hundred households across five First Nations communities will have rooftop solar installed, as part of a state and federal government funded push to clean energy.
AEMO’s state-by-state approach to controlling rooftop solar leaves consumers worse off through greater complexity and higher costs. There are smarter solutions.
A three-year project led by AEMO has underscored the huge benefits promised by the coordinated participation of consumer energy resources in the market.
Solar Homes scheme adjusted, again, this time to allow double dipping on the rebate offered on rooftop PV panels, under certain circumstances.
WA town that was shifted off the gas network and taken all-electric is ground zero for a new retail energy offer targeting households "locked out" of rooftop solar.
Latest national data reveals massive year-on-year jump in installations of heat pumps, as households seek cheaper, cleaner ways to heat water and their homes.
Launch of a new grants scheme to deliver bulk residential solar panels and hot water rebates seeks answers on how best to electrify households en masse.
Monash University study finds retailer incentives and tariff design will have key roles to play in making households smarter about power use.
Regulator crackdown on rooftop solar non-compliance continues, with a company and its directors fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for falsely claiming rebate.
Specialised training programs to upskill electricians in home battery installation and in the design and delivery of off-grid power systems win state funding.
AEMC recommends an accelerated program to install smart meters at all homes and small businesses in the NEM by 2030.
Income threshold levels increased for solar rebates as state government seeks to accelerate shift away from gas and toward renewable all-electric.
Solar installer convicted and released on a 12-month good behaviour bond after pleading guilty to making false statements for the rooftop rebate.
Rebates of up to $1,000 on offer for households that swap out costly and inefficient gas appliances for energy efficient electric alternatives.
The $8,800 interest free battery loan can, in some cases, wipe out upfront installation costs altogether and boost annual power bill savings to $1500.